Exhibeo conotum
Exhibeo conotum

exhibeo conotum

Ubi primo ostendit primum testamentum esse vetustum, et hoc renovari per novitatem gratiae, seu veritatis praesentiae Christi. VIII, 8: consummabo super domum David, et super Iuda testamentum novum, non secundum testamentum quod feci patribus eorum.

exhibeo conotum

Secunda vetustas est figurae, de qua Hebr. I, 27: quae est haec nova doctrina? First, the oldness of error concerning which Isaiah states (26:3): “The old error is passed away.” This is removed by the newness of the doctrine of Christ. XXVI, 3: vetus error abiit, et haec remota est per novitatem doctrinae Christi. For this the Apostle rebukes them with the above words: “The new coming on, you shall cast away the old.” In these words the Lord suggests a fourfold oldness. These words befit the present epistle in which the Apostle reproves the Galatians who had been so deceived by false teachers as to observe at once the rites of the Law and those of the Gospel. In quibus verbis innuit dominus quadruplicem vetustatem. Haec verba competunt praesenti epistolae, in qua apostolus redarguit Galatas, qui intantum seducti fuerant a pseudo, ut simul servarent legalia et Evangelium, quod apostolus improperat eis in verbis praemissis, dicens vetera, novis supervenientibus, proiicietis.

exhibeo conotum

The new coming on, you shall cast away the old.

Exhibeo conotum